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Tellus 2S provides great results for local seismic monitoring with an excellent price-performance ratio. Tellus 2S is manufactured using high quality geophones whose frequency response is extended electronically with high thermal stability and low noise components. The transduction factor of every single unit is individually calibrated on the shake table with an accuracy within ±1%.

Tellus 2S exhibits a flat bandpass between 0.5 Hz and 100 Hz. The transduction factor of the single ended version is 400V/m/s and 800V/m/s for the differential output.

Tellus 2S is manufactured in AISI316 stainless steel housing offering a high level of protection IP67 thus it is ideal for harsh environment and for field use. An aluminum hard coated housing variant is available as a budget version when a rugged version is not needed.

Dynamic range > 140dB
Frequency range 0.5 Hz ÷ 100 Hz
Tansduction factor 400V/m/s (S) 800V/m/s (D)
High accuracy
Low self-noise
Good thermal stability
Low power
No need for mechanical clamping

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